Get NFPA-Compliant With a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA)
NFPA Standards require that a Comprehensive Dust Hazard Analysis (as defined by NFPA 652) be performed by a qualified independent third party consultant. Contact Total Air Energy Solutions to schedule your DHA today!

Buy Parts Online
Visit our direct-sales website Dust Collector Warehouse for all your parts requirements. We provide quick turn-around on clamp-together ductwork, hose, blast gates, and more. Our inventory is always growing…if you don’t see what you need, let us know and we can find it for you.

Filters and Laundering
Need new cartridge filters, bags or cages for your dust collector? We can supply you with replacement products for just about any machine there is. Need Torit Donaldson brand OEM filters? No problem. HVAC filters and HEPA filters? We offer just about every type of air filter. Need a hard-to-find replacement filter for an obsolete collector? Need a different filter media than provided by the OEM? Let us be your source for custom filter fabrications! We also offer filter cleaning, bag laundering, and routine maintenance services.

Used Equipment
Total Air Energy occasionally has used equipment available for sale. We also have access to a large inventory of used equipment through our used machinery partner. Contact us for assistance in finding the right collector for you.